Eureka Newsletter Archive

Joey Cofone Joey Cofone

Theory of Unconscious Thinking

The Theory of Unconscious Thinking suggests that our brains can process information and find solutions even when we're not actively thinking about the problem.

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Joey Cofone Joey Cofone

Personal Potential Trap

The Personal Potential Trap is a psychological concept describing the situation where an individual is unable to grow or change because they are trapped by the expectation or belief of their own potential.

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Joey Cofone Joey Cofone

Game Theory

Game Theory is a mathematical framework that explores interactive situations where the outcomes for an individual depend not just on their own decisions, but also on the decisions made by others.

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Joey Cofone Joey Cofone

Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc

Post hoc ergo propter hoc is a Latin phrase that refers to the logical fallacy occurs when one event is assumed to have caused a subsequent event simply because it occurred before the subsequent event.

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Joey Cofone Joey Cofone

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics that asserts that it is impossible to precisely and simultaneously determine the exact position and momentum of a particle.

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Joey Cofone Joey Cofone

Planning Fallacy

The Planning Fallacy is a cognitive bias that causes people to underestimate the time they will need to complete a task, despite knowing that similar tasks have typically taken longer in the past.

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Joey Cofone Joey Cofone

Johari Window

The Johari Window helps people better understand their relationship with themselves and others through four key perspectives.

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Joey Cofone Joey Cofone

Pygmalion Effect

The Pygmalion Effect refers to the psychological phenomenon in which higher expectations lead to an increase in performance.

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Joey Cofone Joey Cofone


Apophenia is the human tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things.

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Joey Cofone Joey Cofone

Ringelmann Effect

The Ringelmann Effect is a phenomenon in social psychology that observes that the individual productivity of a person decreases as the size of their group increases.

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Joey Cofone Joey Cofone

Winner's Curse

The Winner's Curse refers to the tendency of the winning bidder to overpay or incur a loss, because their winning bid is invariably based on an overestimation of the item's actual value.

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Joey Cofone Joey Cofone

Empty Fort Strategy

The Empty Fort Strategy is a tactic often used in psychological warfare, based on the principle of using deceit to create an illusion.

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Joey Cofone Joey Cofone

Red Queen Effect

The Red Queen Effect is a concept derived from Lewis Carroll's "Through the Looking-Glass," where the Red Queen tells Alice that she must run as fast as she can just to stay in the same place.

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Joey Cofone Joey Cofone


Inversion is a problem-solving technique that involves approaching a problem or situation by looking at it from the opposite perspective.

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Joey Cofone Joey Cofone

Circle of Competence

The Circle of Competence is a mental model that emphasizes the importance of understanding and focusing on the areas in which an individual has expertise, knowledge, or skills.

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Joey Cofone Joey Cofone


The PERMA Model is a framework for understanding and promoting well-being using five essential elements that contribute to human happiness and flourishing.

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Joey Cofone Joey Cofone

Sunk Cost Fallacy

The Sunk Cost Fallacy is a cognitive bias where individuals or organizations continue to invest resources, such as time, money, or effort, into a decision or project based on the amount they have already invested, rather than evaluating the current and future value of the decision.

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Joey Cofone Joey Cofone


The SMART criteria provide a framework for setting effective goals that are clear, actionable, and have a high likelihood of being achieved.

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Joey Cofone Joey Cofone

Opportunity Cost

Opportunity cost is an essential concept in economics and decision-making that refers to the value of the next best alternative that is forgone when a choice is made.

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Joey Cofone Joey Cofone

Parkinson's Law

Parkinson's Law states that the amount of work required to complete a task will expand to fill the time allotted for its completion.

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