Eureka Newsletter Archive
Paradox of Hedonism
The Paradox of Hedonism suggests that the single-minded pursuit of pleasure or happiness often leads to dissatisfaction rather than fulfillment.
Cryptomnesia is a phenomenon where a person remembers information but forgets its source, leading them to believe that it’s an original idea of their own.
Backfire Effect
The Backfire Effect is a cognitive bias in which direct evidence contradicting a person’s beliefs actually strengthens—rather than weakens—those beliefs.
Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon where our minds perceive recognizable shapes—often faces or objects—within random or vague stimuli.
Hyperbolic Discounting
Hyperbolic Discounting is a cognitive bias in which people disproportionately prefer smaller, immediate rewards to larger rewards in the future, even when waiting would yield a better outcome.
Functional Fixedness
Functional Fixedness is a cognitive bias that limits our ability to see the varied uses of objects beyond their traditional or intended functions.
Delayed Gratification
Delayed Gratification is the practice of resisting an immediate reward in preference for a later, often greater reward.
Prospection is our uniquely human ability to think about and anticipate the future.
Gemütlichkeit is a German term that embodies a feeling of warmth, friendliness, and good cheer, including a sense of belonging and well-being within a social context.
The Law of the Harvest
The Law of the Harvest is a principle that illustrates the idea that the results we achieve are directly proportional to the effort we invest.
Principle of Double Effect
The Principle of Double Effect is a moral and ethical guideline that addresses situations where an action has both a positive intended effect and a negative unintended side effect.
Third-Person Effect
The Third-Person Effect is a psychological phenomenon where individuals believe that others are more influenced by media messages than they are themselves.
Ben Franklin Effect
The Ben Franklin Effect is a psychological phenomenon where a person who has performed a favor for someone is more likely to do another favor for that person.
Scenario Planning
Scenario Planning is a strategic method to envision and prepare for multiple plausible futures.
The Medici Effect
The Medici Effect refers to the phenomenon where groundbreaking innovation happens at the intersection of different disciplines, cultures, and industries.
Cassandra Complex
The Cassandra Complex refers to a situation where someone predicts a dire event or disaster but is not believed by others.