

Mark Twain once said…

“There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible.”

(American writer and humorist)



Cryptomnesia is a phenomenon where a person remembers information but forgets its source, leading them to believe that it’s an original idea of their own.

Essentially, these “borrowed” memories resurface from the subconscious, masquerading as fresh insights or creative works.

Cryptomnesia can result in unintentional plagiarism—writers, musicians, and inventors may mistakenly reproduce existing material without realizing they had encountered it before.


He’s So Fine … It’s So Mine?

In 1970, former Beatle George Harrison released his first solo single, “My Sweet Lord.” The melody soared up the charts, captivating listeners with its mix of gospel-like chords and bright pop harmonies. Yet, not long after the track’s success, legal trouble brewed.

Harrison was accused of plagiarizing “He’s So Fine”—a 1963 hit by The Chiffons.

Music experts pointed out striking similarities in the chord progression and melodic hooks. It wasn’t just a fleeting resemblance; entire phrases lined up suspiciously well.

But in court, Harrison insisted he had never intended to copy The Chiffons’ tune and that he was genuinely surprised by the parallels. To him, “My Sweet Lord” seemed like a natural outpouring of musical inspiration—he believed it was entirely his own.

Ultimately, the court ruled that Harrison had “subconsciously” plagiarized “He’s So Fine.” Though he had likely heard the earlier song many times—given its popularity in the 1960s—he had no conscious memory of using it as a template for his own composition. His brain had stored those musical elements below the surface, only to bring them back into focus when he was crafting “My Sweet Lord.”

The drama of George Harrison’s case reveals how easily our minds can recycle familiar ideas. It also illustrates why something that’s seemingly plagiarized isn’t instantly a matter of laziness or malice. Rather, it can be the result of a quirk of how memory and creativity collide.

So next time someone copies you (or accuses you of copying), give them the benefit of the doubt until you dig a little deeper.

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