

Biz Stone once said…

“Timing, perseverance, and ten years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success.”

(American entrepreneur.)



Kairos is an ancient Greek concept that signifies the opportune or right moment to act.

Unlike chronological time (chronos), which is linear and measured, kairos represents a qualitative time—when conditions are ripe for a decisive, impactful action.

The idea of kairos emphasizes the importance of intuition, readiness, and the skill to seize fleeting opportunities that can lead to profound outcomes.


Winter … Erm, Cholera Is Coming?

In the mid-19th century, London was frequently ravaged by cholera outbreaks, which were commonly believed to be caused by miasma, or ”bad air.”

This theory dominated medical thinking despite the recurring devastation brought about by the disease. Dr. John Snow, a British physician, harbored a different theory: that cholera was spread through contaminated water.

During the severe cholera outbreak of 1854 in London, Dr. Snow conducted groundbreaking fieldwork to track the source and spread of the disease. He methodically mapped out cholera cases and linked the majority of them to a single public water pump on Broad Street.

Snow's presented his findings to local authorities and convinced them to remove the handle of the Broad Street pump, effectively stopping the outbreak in that area.

The timing of Snow’s intervention was crucial.

It not only demonstrated the waterborne theory of cholera in a practical, undeniable manner but also occurred when the local community and authorities were desperate for a solution, making them more receptive to new ideas.

His work didn’t immediately revolutionize public health—the miasma theory still held sway for some time—but it laid the foundational stones for modern epidemiology and public health strategies.

Snow’s ability to capitalize on a critical moment led to significant advancements in public health and shows how kairos can play a crucial role in scientific breakthroughs and societal change.

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